
Verdens 2 førende whiskyskribenter har begge givet point på en skala fra 0-100. Desværre ikke den samme skala. Nedenstående tabel er en sammenligning af deres skalaer.

Jim MurrayPointMichael Jackson
Nothing short of absolutely diabolical0-49,5(ikke kommenteret)
50-50,5Savner balance og/eller karakter. Var måske ikke tiltænkt aftapning som single malt.
Nasty and well worth avoiding51-59,5
60-64,5Behagelig, men ikke exceptionel malt
Very unimpressive indeed65-69,5
Usually drinkable but don't expect the earth to move70-74,5Værd at prøve
Average and usually pleasant though sometimes flawed75-79,5Absolut værd at prøve
Good whisky worth trying80-84,5Markant og exceptionelt
Very good to excellent whiskies definately worth buying85-89,5
Brilliant90-93,5De helt store single malts
Superstar whiskies that give us all a reason to live94-97,5
Better than anything I've ever tasted98-100

MurrayJacksonDestilleri navnFlaske navnAlderAlk.Aftapper
76,085,0AuchentoshanAuchentostan - Three Woodukendt43,0
76,0Isle of JuraIsle of Jura 1993 - Elements - Airukendt46,0
76,0GlenkinchieGlenkinchie 101043,0
76,0TormoreThe Tormore 101040,0
89,076,0AberfeldyAberfeldy 121240,0
76,0InchgowerInchgower 14 Flora & Fauna1443,0
76,0DalwhinnieDalwhinnie 151543,0