Billede af flaske

SMWS 3.196 - A walk on the wild side


Uafhængig aftapper:SMWS - Scottish Malt Whisky Society


I was out walking when I smelled hot dogs, grilled scallops, honey-glazed duck and baked crab by the roadside; nearby they were felting a new roof and the stench of peat tar and road workers boots was wonderful. It was as though I could taste salted caramel, fried seaweed, leather and peated lavender all rolled into one. Suddenly a blast of sea spray changed everything and I was now picking up aromas of spiced apple, toast & butter, oyster juice, rusty railings, crab and sweet smoked salt; ashy, sweet, warming, smoky, perfumed and a long finish was what it felt like.

Dato destilleret: 25/09/1997

Alder: 14

Farve/nuance: motor oil

Tøndetype: Refill sherry butt

Region: Islay

Smagt i foreningen:

18 Jan 2013Møde 32: Generalforsamling

Medlemmernes kommentarer:

Lars: 87,0
(18 Jan 2013) Møde 32 Flavour Mapdiagram
Finn: 91,0
Smag: Godt. (18 Jan 2013) Møde 32
Peter: 90,5
(18 Jan 2013) Møde 32 Flavour Mapdiagram
Carsten: 91,0
Farve: mørk gylden. Smag: dejlig - tør sherry - tør røg (18 Jan 2013) Møde 32

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