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White Dog Whiskey


Destilleri:McMenamin's Edgefield


Det burde vel kaldes moonshine i stedet for whisky da det ikke er lagret.

Destilleriet skriver:

"Our White Dog – A version of our Hogshead Whiskey before it sees a barrel -- is produced from four unique and complementary malted barleys. The aroma is of rich grain and cereal while the flavor has layers of dark chocolate, malt and roast. The body of the whiskey is full and semi-sweet, lingering on the palate with a surprising smooth finish.

We chose to release our White Dog because we feel it stands strong on its own and is a great companion to its barrel-aged version – Hogshead Whiskey. Even in its infancy as a whiskey, our White Dog is incredibly drinkable in a specialty cocktail or served neat."